General information

The Lower Savinja valley is beautiful and amazing landscapes with the river Savinja as its biggest pearl.
Savinja in lower valley is a tipical subalpine river with a lot of deep pools and dams.
River is full of differtent fish species from fish families of ciprinides and salmonides.
It is also known for its unique natural conditions that are perfect for Hucho hucho (Huchen)
 - rich with main Hucho food | ciprinides (expecialy Common nase)
 - water temperatures and levels are just right for fast growth and reproduction of Hucho

The headquarters of the Fishing Association Sempeter with restaurant are located in the village Preserje by the river Savinja. It is surroundet with beautiful nature and there is always something to do also for those who do not fish or for family members of a angler.

The Fishing Association Sempeter looks after all rivers and streams in the heart of lower Savinja valley | river Savinja, Bolska, Motnišnica, Ložnica, Braslovče lake, Preserje ponds and all the streams nearby.

What are we known for

Hucho huchoRiver Savinja

PredatorsPond Preserje, Lake Braslovce
(pike, zender)

CarpLake Braslovce
(Giant carps)

Fly fishingRiver Savinja tropy part
(brown trout, rainbow, grayling)
Fishing Association Sempeter
Preserje 9a
3314 Braslovče

E-mail: info@rd-sempeter.si
Mobile phone: +386 (0)31 316 934
Guide service: info@rd-sempeter.si
Gallery Weather Water levels

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